Jubilee 20

Album of jubilee

On the occasion of the 20th birthday of the Ybl Palace Office Building, a comprehensive brochure was born as a result of long research work and joint recollection of memories.

In the album, among others, you can read about the history of the building, you can find interviews with the artists involved in the renovation, with the owner and with the current tenants of the office building. The brochure also contains many pictures to illustrate all the stories told.

You can thumb the digital version of the album by clicking on the button below.

We wish you a pleasant pastime and reading!


Video of jubilee

The Ybl Palace Office Building turned 20 years old in 2021.

Thank to Mr Hans Lindner and the Lindner family the overall construction and modernization of this wonderful office building could been possible in 2001, thus the building became one of the jewels of Budapest again, and has been operating as a prestigious office building in the heart of Budapest ever since.

A wall-mapping film was prepared – for the jubilee party organized on the occasion of the 20th birthday of the Ybl Palace Office Building – showing the history of the building. You can watch the video by clicking on the “play” icon on the left.

We wish you an interesting time travel!

Photos of jubilee party

We were favoured to celebrate the 20th anniversary together with our tenants and partners in the courtyard of the Ybl Palace Office Building.

The photos made of the celebration can be find below.

We wish the Ybl Palace Office Building hundreds of beautiful years to come!